Saturday, May 28, 2016

Wildflowers of Primrose Lane

Ah, the lovely lupine!

There is an entire field of this flower blooming by my husband's office on the east side of town. They're gorgeous as they dance in the Spring breeze.

click for larger image

Perhaps the street should be renamed.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Wild Phlox

Back at Kiwanis Park ...

Reaching for the light

Beautiful color and form

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Arrowleaf Balsamroot

At Kiwanis Park, the forest floor is awash in yellow.

click for larger image

The arrowleaf balsamroot is in full bloom.

They thrive in the shadows of the big pines, becoming more profuse each Spring

and are the big brothers to the native phlox that live beneath.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Low to the Ground

About four inches off the forest floor, this beauty was hiding in the shadows.

At Kiwanis Park

Monday, May 9, 2016

On the Forest Floor - Camas

I took a walk through Kiwanis Park last week. The forest floor is coming alive with color.

Delicate camas sway daintily among the tall grasses.

Older blossoms die on the stem. New blooms reach over their heads for what sunlight they can find. Ants scurry among the petals and pollen.